Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bird Watching

It's been about a month now since my friend and I adopted the kitty formerly known as "Precious." His new name is Oliver and it seems to suit him well.

Oliver settled right in at his new home and has the run of two apartments. He spends much of play time time running up and down the stairs chasing after toy mice...having only the use of 3 legs doesn't slow this little guy down a bit. He also fills his time looking out the window, sunning himself, hanging out with his new friend, a pug, named Isaac and birdwatching, Paulo and Franscea, two parakeets who remain in the cage at all times when he's around.

Oliver charms all of the people he meets and brings big smiles to their faces. He is well-loved and adds much joy to our lives. A big thank you to everyone at the Feline Adoption & Rescue Society for the work that you do in saving kitties like Oliver. It's a wonderful thing that you do!

1 comment:

Annie said...

i am so glad to see this fabulous kitty in a good home!