Thursday, August 13, 2009

Finally, a forever home

Bootsie has had a particularly hard time. We first met Bootsie last January when we took in 27 cats from a home in Worcester. Everyone, including Bootsie found new homes. Unfortunately, Bootsie wanted more attention than his new home could provide so he came back to us. Then he found a third home but had to come back to us again when his new family had a personal emergency and had to move on short notice.

Finally, he's home with a new family where he can stay for good. Here's what they have to say about him.

"We adopted Bootsie two days ago and boy has he made himself at home. We brought him home in the middle of a thunder and lightning storm and I was worried that maybe the noise plus the stress of being in a new environment would really freak him out. It was recommended that he stay in one room for the first night but he managed to make his rounds throughout the whole house. He hid after about a half hour of looking around. He stayed hidden for the rest of the night and into the morning. By that afternoon, he was out and making his presence known.

He is a big talker. I assumed that, being an older cat, he would not want to play with many cat toys. I was wrong. He is very playful. So far, his favorite thing to play with is a small rope cord that came from an old pair of sweatpants. He bats at it and takes it into his mouth and drags it around the house. It is so cute. His favorite spot seems to be in the front windows. He lays there for a while and watches the kids and people walk by. He jumps up there especially when he hears the sound of dog tags rattling as they walk by.

One of the things noted on his profile at the pet store was that he liked a lot of attention. That is spot on. He is always meowing and "talking" to us. He jumps up onto the couch and cuddles with us and also jumps into the bed with us to sleep. He really loves to be pet and scratched under his chin. I have learned a lot about him in just the past two days. Can't wait to see what else he may have in store. I have attached a pic of him in one of our front windows. I had to move the picture frames on the window sill for him.

He has also started to get used to the kids. They are really going slow with him. He rubs up against their legs and they bend down and pat him. They also play with him with the rope cord and feather toy we bought."

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